Well, here it is, New Year's Eve in Arizona. As you can see, it's such a beautiful day that Bear just had to go out and enjoy the sunshine. It probably felt good on his old bones. It was about 75 degrees and the sky was a gorgeous shade of blue. There wasn't a cloud in the sky. This is why we live here in AZ. Well, not all of the reasons but it sure helps. As usual, we will have a quiet evening at home. Sherrie is going over to a friend's house so Dave & I will probably watch a movie and then watch the ball go down in New York at 10 PM. Then off to bed. Sometimes I wish we would do something a little more exciting. We thought about going to a movie tonight but Dave isn't feeling real well today so that has been postponed. Oh, to be young again and able to party half the night away.
Well, I hope everyone out there has a wonderful New Year. Here's to 2009!