Well, I've given up on the idea that this is going to be a Christmas present for Chris. So Now it's going to be for his birthday in late January. I guess I didn't realize just how big the over-one section was going to be. I am quite pleased with how it's turning out so if it has to wait till his birthday, I'm okay with that.
I managed to get the floor of the craft room cleaned off in time for Thanksgiving. Actually I'm very happy with the progress I've made in the Great Purge. I ended up with 4 1/2 banker's boxes full of patterns and leaflets to be rehomed. All of what is left, including magazines and the patterns I've removed from them, will fit in one file cabinet. The TV and it's stand is going as well. Dave found an entertainment unit from Ikea that is going to fit perfectly in there. And my Christmas present will be a flat screen TV to go in that room. We hope to have it all done by the new year. I'll post pictures when it's finished. Now to decide what to do with the banker's boxes.
I hope this was a wonderful Thanksgiving for everyone. I know so many are enduring hardships right now. I feel so blessed to have a terrific family and home, a good job, and so far no money worries. Brian & Sherrie are home for the weekend and it's been great having them here. So I'm very thankful for everything God has blessed us with. Happy Thanksgiving everyone.