Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Sad News Indeed!

I just noticed that I hadn't written anything since October 19. Haven't made a whole lot of progress on the Chinese piece either. I guess it will have to be Chris' birthday present in January. The sad news is that Dave's dad passed away 2 weeks ago tomorrow. We flew done to Florida for his funeral this past Friday and just got back late last night. The good part about all of this is he never had any pain. Tylenol was the strongest thing he had taken. That was a real blessing. It was a sad occasion yet it was sort of a reunion as well. I hadn't seen some of my nieces since they were babies and now they are beautiful young women. Chris managed to fly down from Minneapolis and I know how much David appreciated that. Brian and Sherrie were not able to go. I know Dave misses him tremendously but as Christians we also know he's with his Father now. It reminds me just how time is passing and how much we need to live life as fully as possible. I also don't want another 20 years to go by without seeing my nieces and nephew. So much is lost that way. So kiss your families and always remember to tell them you love them.


GoldenAngelsWorks said...

So sorry to hear of your family's loss. He is thankfully up with the heavenly father and happy as can be. I know what you mean about not seeing family in a long time... I wish it were possible to see family more often. (haven't seen my niece for 9 years and do not know when her mom will let me see her)

Miokka said...

I'm sorry to hear of your loss. Sad that for the most part the only time families can all gather is for funerals.
Hugs to you and yours.

Beatrice said...

So sorry for your loss.

Dani - tkdchick said...

Sorry for your loss and its alawys so sad how it takes a death to bring family together!