Today's entry is interesting. How many needles have you lost? Feel free to estimate. Tell us your best “lost needle” story

Missing needles, huh? I'm happy to say that I have only lost one needle in my 30 some years of stitching. I've always been very careful to keep my needles where they can't get lost. I guess it goes back to when I was young and a friend of mine stepped on a needle in her bare feet and actually had to have surgery to remove it. That made such an impression on me that I've always kept track of any needles I was using. Now I did lose one needle but I found it again rather quickly. In my elbow. See, I had this bad habit of sticking the needle I was using in the arm of my chair. I always knew where it was and it really was only a temporary place for it. So I was happily stitching away and stuck it in the arm when I was getting a new thread ready. I flung my arm down on the arm of the chair and, you guessed it, I found the needle. Rather painfully, I might add. I pulled it out of my elbow and promptly took myself off for a tetanus shot. Since then, I have always parked my needles in a pin cushion or on the work itself in an area on the edge of the fabric.
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