Now I know the word treasure conjures up different things to different people But I love finding things that are beautiful as well as useful and most importantly I love a good bargain. Let me further say that I love purses the some women love shoes. I have so many bags and totes I could open my own shop (haven't we all said that about our stashes?) So imagine my delight when I discovered a Vera Bradley factory outlet only about 20 minutes away from my house. I hadn't really thought much about her bags because I thought they were too expensive but the outlet prices make it so easy to have several (okay, I admit it, I have more than several) of them. What's even more fun is they have a clearance corner where items are marked down by as much as 85%! So when my daughter was here at the beginning of the month, we went to the outlet center and I dragged her into the Vera Bradley store. We had so much fun. I was looking for a larger tote to carry my scroll frame in when I go to stitch with a friend. Look what I stumbled upon!

My Vera Bradley Treasure |
It's a weekend duffle bag and it's huge! I have room for my scroll frame, my lapstand, my projects and even a small light. And the best part is I only paid $25.00 for it. I would have had to spend 5 times as much as that if I had paid retail. My kitty loves it as well. Several times I've found her laying in it when I had it open on the floor.
I'm thrilled that we have the outlet mall so close but I need to stay away from it as well. I could get in real trouble there. Know what I mean?