Okay, I know I haven't blogged in a while but 5 months? It's been a very busy year and I hope to getting back here more regularly. The big event was Sherrie's wedding in Phoenix. That was a lot of fun . I will do a separate post on that later this week. I've also been hard at work on her wedding sampler. I'll do another post on that later as well. See, it won't take me too long to catch up. ;-) But here is one thing I have finished this year. There's a SAL going on at the message board for Cross Stitch 123 called ILTWHIST. That stands for I love this. Why haven't I stitched it? It's for those designs that we love and bought or have had kitted up for years, but for some reason or another they've just never gotten stitched. Well, here's my contribution to the party.

This is Bittersweet Moon from Blackbird Designs. Now I bought this years ago but never got around to stitching it. Then when this SAL came along I thought it would be perfect to stitch. But guess what? I had misplaced my chart. It must have been during the move but I couldn't find it anywhere. Luckily someone from the board was kind enough to lend it to me and I was able to stitch it over the summer. I haven't had a chance to iron it yet hence the wrinkles. But I still do love the design and was so glad I was able to stitch it.
Stay tuned for my updates real soon.
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