Well, as you can see by the picture, I finally finished the cross stitching for my windmill. I have also started the backstitching. Or I should be more accurate and call it the longstitching. I'm using the #8 perle cotton instead of the 2 strands of floss that the pattern calls for. In the 2 other Michael Powells I've done, I could never get the backstitching to look right. If I laid it or railroaded it, it separated into 2 distinct strands. If I didn't lay it, it looked twisted. Hence the perle cotton. I do like the way it makes things pop so I think I'm on the right track. I did experiment to see how it would work in real small areas such as around one single square (like the windows). I was worried that it might be too heavy but after staring at it for several days, I've decided I like the effect of the heavier thread. I did make one mistake already. I'm still trying to decide if I want to rip back to it and fix it. I'm sure it won't be my only one. But it does stick out in my eyes. Maybe cause I know where it is. I need to figure out if it will bother me every time I look at it. I guess I will fix it cause my eyes go right to it even in this small picture. Hopefully it won't take me too terribly long to finish this cause I'm anxious to work on something else now.