Thursday, July 26, 2012
I Survived
my second surgery for glaucoma. No scary pictures this time. I promised Sherrie that I wouldn't post any pictures of me post surgery. So you'll just have to use your imagination about what I look like. This surgery was much easier on me this time. I didn't feel a thing unlike last time. My surgeon said the difference was the anesthesiologist. I told her to tell him I loved him! Seriously it made all the difference in the world to not feel anything. The prognosis is still good and hopefully we have prevented any more damage to my sight. Now I just have to have cataract surgery later in the year. My doctor tells me that's a piece of cake compared to what I have already had done. Oh, the things we do to be able to keep stitching!
Saturday, July 21, 2012
First Finish of 2012
Okay, I'm going to count this as my first finish for 2012. Who knew it would take me until July to have my first finish? Of course, I lost a lot of time with my eye surgery and with the other eye scheduled for next week, I'll lost another chunk of time. So since I've done all the stitching on this as I am going to do, I thought I'd count this one as my first finished project for 2012. It's by Ursula Michaels of Imaginiating and I honestly do not remember the title of it. It's going to be a Christmas gift for the owner of the shop. Hopefully she will appreciate it but I honestly have my doubts. But it wasn't my choice so I just do as I'm told and did what I could before next week.
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
The Perfect Baby Sampler
Okay, I think I mentioned in an earlier post that my son and his lovely wife are expecting their first baby in either December or early January. I fianlly found out what they are decorating their nursery in and I wasn't sure I could find any baby sampler that might fit their theme. They're using forest animals and they found some lovely items at Ikea that they are going to use. Now I've been stitching a long time and have, well, let's just say I have LOTS of patterns. I've collected a few baby samplers in anticipation of this very project. But did I have any thing even remotely resembling forest animals? Of course not! I had jungle babies (which I love) and I had Noah's Ark (which has animals, right?) but no forest animals. So I went searching on the internet and wouldn't you know it? I found exactly what I was looking for. It's a European kit so I had to order it from Sew and So. I've dealt with them before so I wasn't worried about that. Well, I received it in the mail the other day and it is, as I said, perfect! It has a fox and a bunny and a squirrel. It has a bear and a hedgehog and a deer. All of these were specifically mentioned by Chris as being a part of the Ikea set. So here is the sampler that I'm going to start stitching just as soon as I finish my part of the Christmas presnt. Chris and Annette, if you're reading this, back out now please. I want this to be a surprise so go find something else to do now. I'm going to assume you still listen to your mom, Chris, so I'm going to post the picture now. Remember no peeking, you two!
The kit is from Vervaco and uses DMC thread. It does have aida cloth but frankly it's getting hard for me to see evenweave or linen, even with a magnifier, so I'm kind of glad it's aida cloth. I can't wait to get started on this.
The kit is from Vervaco and uses DMC thread. It does have aida cloth but frankly it's getting hard for me to see evenweave or linen, even with a magnifier, so I'm kind of glad it's aida cloth. I can't wait to get started on this.
Sunday, July 15, 2012
My Stitching Rituals

Is it the 15th already? If it is, then I guess it's time for another blog hop. This one's about stitching rituals.
Some of us have a favorite chair that we sit in to stitch, others prefer to enjoy a steaming mug of tea while they stitch. Maybe you need to get comfortable and put on your pajamas before you pick up your needle or you simply must rearrange all the sofa pillows before you sit down. Sometimes the ritual is in the clean up when we’re done and everything must go in a certain place. What sort of stitching rituals do you have when you sit down to work on your projects?
I never really thought about if what I do when I stitch is a ritual. I guess it could be since there are certain things I like to do when I'm stitching. First of all, I always wash my hands before I pick up my stitching. And I never eat or drink while I'm stitching. One time I had some coffee and took a big swig and had a coughing spell at the same time. The stitching went flying across the room to prevent it from getting coffee coughed all over it. I decided then and there that no food or beverage would ever come near my stitching again.
I also like to stitch with the TV on. Specifically something I've taped, like an older movie or something from the Syfy channel. Don't know why but the monster movies just seem to be better when I'm stitching something. I can't not stitch without the TV on. I've tried just music but it doesn't seem to work.
The only thing I need to have in close range are my scissors. Other than that, I use Q-Snaps or a scroll frame, whatever fits the project. I don't have any special way of starting or finishing a project.
So I guess I have a few rituals but generally just like to stitch when the mood hits.
Visit all the blogs in this round of the Stitching the Night Away Stitching Blogger Blog Hop:
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Grandkitty Part 2
Okay, meet Gracie (at least that's what her name is today, it may change tomorrow). Gracie is my daughter's new kitty. Now I know I posted about Moe about a month ago but due to circumstances beyond our control, she wasn't able to complete the adoption. I won't go into the reasons but Sherrie was heartbroken at having to give him up. Since then she's moved and her new landlord has told her she can have a kitty so off we went last Monday and got Gracie. She's part Maine Coon (just like Moe was) and who knows what else. She looks all black but she has brown highlights in her fur. She is a real sweetie and very playful. David has already fallen in love with her. The dogs are okay with her and Annie has actually allowed her to play with her tail. Squeak (my cat) is the only one who's not sure about her. I'd love to get another cat but Squeak is my baby and I don't want to upset her any more than she already is. So I'll have to be content with kitty sitting.
Monday, July 9, 2012
Quaker Gone Tropic and Other Things
Here is Quaker Gone Tropic for this week. I've made very little progress on it. Frogging the boat is taking longer than I thought it would. It's so tedious when it's over 1. But I do plan on finishing this year if nothing else comes up that I absolutely have to do. Like this next picture for example.
Every year we stitch something for the owner of the shop. The last 2 years we did a counted needlepoint piece that was made into a pillow. This year the PTB decided that we needed to do a cross stitch picture. Now for some reason I never get to help choose what we do; I just get to stitch on it. This year I get to stitch first because of my eye surgery. So this is why I haven't had much time to stitch on QGT. And I'm waiting for a baby sampler to arrive from England and when that arrives, everything and I do mean everything will be on the back burner for a while. Nothing will interfer with that.
Every year we stitch something for the owner of the shop. The last 2 years we did a counted needlepoint piece that was made into a pillow. This year the PTB decided that we needed to do a cross stitch picture. Now for some reason I never get to help choose what we do; I just get to stitch on it. This year I get to stitch first because of my eye surgery. So this is why I haven't had much time to stitch on QGT. And I'm waiting for a baby sampler to arrive from England and when that arrives, everything and I do mean everything will be on the back burner for a while. Nothing will interfer with that.
Sunday, July 1, 2012
Holiday Stitching

It's time for another Blog Hop. I think it's a very interesting question.
Do you find yourself stitching seasonally or do you just stitch what moves you at the moment? What’s your favorite holiday or season to stitch for?
In the past, I have stitched ornaments, stockings and gifts for my family. I do try to start in the summer because I hate to feel rushed when I'm stitching something. Last year I made a cute picture for my daughter to commemorate her first year of teaching. I guess it took me about 3 months to complete. I gave it to her unframed because I wanted her to pick out the framing. I don't stitch for Halloween. I do love Thanksgiving and have stitched a lot of turkeys and pumpkins. I have a few 4th of July items. I do try to change up my decor to coincide with the holidays but I haven't been so successful at that lately. This year I won't be doing any holiday stitching. My son and his wife are having their first baby (my first grandchild) and I'm stitching them a baby sampler. I found the perfect one and am just waiting for it to be delivered from England. I'm also knitting a baby afghan for the little one. So, no, this year is the year of the baby for this stitcher.
Visit all the blogs in this round of the Stitching the Night Away Stitching Blogger Blog Hop:
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Find the instructions on how to participate in this round by clicking here.
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