I knew it had been a while since I've made any blog post but I hadn't realized it had been since August of last year. I had such good intentions for this year. I planned to start blogging again at the beginning of the new year and here it is April already. I have no excuse, just had other things that I got caught up in doing. Well, I'm back now and hope to keep up more frequently thank once a year!
One thing that is new with me if that I retired after working for a lot of my adult life. I really couldn't take standing on my feet as a cashier at Michael's any more so I left them right before we went to Phoenix for Sherrie's wedding. I still teach their jewelry classes but that's only a few times a month. I am thinking of starting either an Etsy or an Artfire shop to sell some of my jewelry in. I need to do some research first though.
Another thing that has been on my mind has been switching from Blogger to Bloglovin'. I've been happy with blogger but am not sure they are still supporting their blogs. I need something easy to set up and use. Oh well, one more thing to research.
I wanted to share a few pictures of Sherrie's wedding last June. Hard to believe it's been almost 9 months since she got married.
Sherrie & Eric 6/11/2016 |
The Whole Watson Family |
Typical Brother and Sister |