Sunday, December 30, 2007
New Year's Resolutions Stitchy Style!
As the new year approaches, I've been doing a lot of soul searching about the size of my stash, both in cross stitch and knitting. I've decided I really need to reduce it. I'll never live long enough to do everything. My tastes have changed over the years and there's no point in storing stuff just for the sake of storing it. So I got started by cannabilzing my magazine collection. So far I've reduced 3 file cabinet drawers to a pile of patterns about 6 inches high. I've got one more drawer to go. My knitting magazines are harder to do. They often don't have the pattern anywhere near the picture. Those magazines are going straight into the sell pile. After I finish the magazines, I'll get to work on the cross stitch patterns. I have 3 file cabinet drawers full of them. I may even go through my fabrics and see what I can get rid of there. I have just way too much stuff.
So my resolutions are as follows:
No new stash - use what I have if at all possible.
Begin 10-25-50 plan - start small with 10 projects (can't get too carried away now, can I?)
Finish 2 UFO's before starting a new project (this is the hard one for me. I love starting new projects)
Organize my craft room (already started on this one)
Start my card system to locate items in stash.
The last 2 items are some I've been thinking about since last May. I figure it's time I stop thinking and start doing.
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Getting Into the Christmas Spirit!

Sunday, December 2, 2007
CDC Framed!

Sunday, November 25, 2007
Time Passes

Sunday, November 18, 2007
Cirque Des Triangles - Part 1
I took CDC to be framed on Friday. I'm trying a new (to me) framer. He's been in the area for years and Merry from work finally convinced me to take CDC to him. What amazed me was the price. Less than $45.00 total to frame it. I didn't have any mats put on it but I was still shocked at the price. When he told me I asked him if that included the labor. Yep, it was bottom line. Depending on how I like the finished product, I may have found a new framer.
I hope everyone out there has a blessed Thanksgiving. The Lord has given me so many blessings and I'm thankful for them every day. Happy Thanksgiving!
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Happy Dance With Me!!

Sunday, November 4, 2007
Frustration = Stitching

It takes 3-8 business days to get the necessary paperwork done. It's 3 days if it's marked urgent. So course the orthopedic place did not mark it as such. So they asked me if I thought I needed the boot real soon. I told them I was walking around on 2 fractured toes, what did they think?!! Needless to say I was so frustrated I was in tears on the way home. Then I remembered that a friend from work had worn one several months ago. I called and the end result is that I'm borrowing hers until mine gets approved. At least now I don't feel like I'm a prisoner, not being able to go anywhere.
The upside to all of this is that the enforced rest caused me to stitch a lot more than usual and I've made great progress on CDC. You can see by the picture that I'm almost done. I plan on getting more done this afternoon. Maybe I can even hope to finish it this week. Dave is traveling again, so I stitch more in the evenings than I do when he's home. That's my silver lining in all of this.
Monday, October 29, 2007
Time Off!
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Connecting With Others
Anyway it was great to meet Teejay and I'm looking forward to stitching with her again!
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Playing With Color

Sunday, October 14, 2007
Next Project

Sunday, October 7, 2007
Work in Progress

Sunday, September 23, 2007
Finally Stitching
But my nemesis is still staring at me quietly whispering "What about me? I want to be finished too." I've never had a project that I feel less inclined to finish that Gabe. But I've promised my friend he'd get it and by golly he will. When I don't know. But he will get it.
I've also been knitting on an afghan for my son's in-laws for Christmas. It's knit in squares and if I knit just 1 square a day I'll have it done in plenty of time for Christmas.
The best thing about all this is that I really feel like I'm getting back in the groove of stitching. I feel Like I'm coming to the end of a long drought. Oh, how I've missed not stitching. Anf how glad I am to have my old friend back again!
Sunday, September 16, 2007

Monday, September 3, 2007
Making Progress
Well, we're off the the baseball game today. D'Backs vs. the Padres. Did I mention I really like baseball? There's something about being at a game, eating ballpark food and spending quality time with David that I really like.
Sunday, September 2, 2007
Time Passes
With that in mind, I'd better get busy and work on my Christmas stitching. I really only have one thing that I definitely want to finish. I'm knitting an angora scarf for Sherrie and I'd like to get it done for Christmas. It does get pretty cold up where she is (Northern Arizona University) and I know she'll appreciate. The only problem with it is that angora sheds. I'v ehad lots of the stuff stick to my lips and get up my nose while knitting with it. If I have time (there's that word again), I might try knitting an afghan for my son and daughter-in-law. But if it doesn't happen, that's ok. It could be for Chris's birthday in January.
My needlepoint class is going well. This coming Wednesday is the last of the beginner's group. I'm quite pleased with the way mine is turning out. When it's all done, I should take a picture and post it. The colors are very Autumn-like. It's been interesting to see the colors the other ladies have chosen. They're all so different yet equally beautiful. I've learned alot in this class and hopefully will be able to take the intermediate class being offered in January.
I've made little progress on Gabe or CDC. Most of my free time has been spent doing the homework for the needlepoint class. Since I only have one more class, I hope to get back to stitching on both of them.
Well, I'm starving and lunch isn't quite ready, so maybe I'll go find something to tide me over. Happy Labor Day!
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Stitching Slump
I did start a needlepoint class last week at work. The lady teaching it is an old retired schoolteacher and, boy, does it show. It's her way or no way. Now I've been stitching since I was 7 and I've worked in the industry for over 12 years now. I do know I few things about needlepoint. But according to her, most of what I know is wrong. Oh well, I'll do it her way in class and my way all the other time. But she's a sweet lady who is a wonderful needlepointer so I could do a lot worse than learning from her. Now if I can just finish the homework!
Well, slump or no, duty calls. I think I'll go see how much I can get done on my angel, Gabe. Have a great day and try to stay cool!
Sunday, August 5, 2007
A little about myself. I live in Phoenix (hence the name of my blog) with an adoring husband (his words) and my oldest son. My daughter is home for the summer but will be returning to college in a couple of weeks. My middle child, also a son, lives in Minneapolis with his wife. No grandkids yet. I also have 2 dogs and the lovely kitty you see here is Squeak, my calico kitty. She also goes by the names of Brat, Demon or Monster depending on who's calling her. ;-)
I hope to be posting a few of my WIP's as well as some finished projects. I just need to figure out how to get the pictures from the camera to the computer.
A journey always starts with a first step. I hope you'll come with me on this walk through my world of cross stitch (with some knitting and a few other things thrown in).